What is a church plant?
A church plant is a brand new church that is started by a group of Christians. We call it a "plant" drawing from the imagery of planting a seed so it can grow. A church plant is about planting the seed of the gospel (the good news about Jesus) in a community so it can grow in to a group of people to love and serve the people around them.
What's the story?
A bunch of people moved to Michigan from Phoenix, AZ to start a church. Our lead planting pastor, Nick Ford, and his wife grew up in southeastern Michigan but they've lived in Phoenix and raised their family there for the last twenty years. Now the Fords and three other families moved here from Arizona and have joined other families who already lived here to start Mission Church. We did this because we believe the good news of Jesus is worth it and that God gets His people to those who need to hear the gospel. We also want to be a part of planting other churches in Oakland county and beyond!
What is Mission Church about?
Mission Church exists to glorify God, make disciples, and plant churches.
Glorify God
All of life is worship and all worship belongs to God.
We are about blessing the community. We believe that wherever God's people establish a presence, the community should be a better place because of us. We will be a church that blesses the community of New Hudson and the surrounding area to the glory of God.
We are about blessing the church. As disciples are made and God’s people begin to gather, we will glorify God in right worship. We are committed to God-centered, Word-driven, gospel-saturated worship. Our services will emphasize passionate expository preaching, meaningful corporate prayer, and singing rich biblical lyrics.
We are about blessing the world. God’s plan to make the gospel known to the world is the local church. We will be a church that raises up disciples of Jesus who long to see God worshiped among people who don’t currently worship Him.
Make Disciples
The primary task of the local church is to make disciples.
We are about studying God's Word. We believe in living intentionally to meet our neighbors, investing in them by loving them well, and inviting them to discover God’s Word with us. We are confident in the power of God’s Word and that it is by the hearing of God’s Word that new faith is born (Romans 10:17).
We are about intentional community. As new disciples are made, we will obey Jesus’ command to teach them to obey all that He commanded (Matthew 28:20). We will organize in to small groups focused on reaching more with the gospel as we continue to grow in faith.
We are about developing leaders. Growing disciples to maturity means making disciples who make more disciples. We will utilize a leadership pipeline to train followers of Jesus to multiply the mission (2 Timothy 2:2).
Plant Churches
God's plan to advance His kingdom is the local church.
We are about kingdom advancement. Statistically, the longer a church exists, the more inward focused it becomes. Outward focus and a drive to plant new churches is Mission Church’s DNA. We don’t exist for ourselves but for the God who made us. And we are on this earth for His mission.
We are about building teams. As disciples of Jesus grow and step up to lead, we will build teams with a known objective: as we serve we are training others who may fill that role in the next church planted.
We are about sending. As God leads, and new communities are identified, we will partner together with other churches and sending networks to send teams to plant new churches in underserved communities.
What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at Mission Church. We have a place for you!
If you'd like to get in touch with us directly, click the button below.
What are Mission Church's Beliefs?
We gladly hold to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
We proudly partner with Send Network and Pillar Network.